Many people have problems writing articles because they have trouble getting their thoughts organized. Ultimately, they end up going from one random idea to another with no real direction, thus resulting in the article coming off as a jumble of ideas and not at all coherent. In this article, we're going to discuss the easiest way to get through the writing of an article on any topic; the use of bullet points. We'll explain what a bullet point is, how to use it and finish with examples. Hopefully, after reading this article, you'll know how to use bullet points to effectively write all of your articles.
A bullet point is a specific idea to be discussed. For example, in writing an article about identifying home business scams, the bullet points may be as follows:
1. What a scam is.
2. How to identify a scam.
3. What to do if you suspect you've been scammed.
These are three bullet points that you could use to write your article on identifying home business scams. Each bullet point would be a specific paragraph or section of your article. A well written article only needs to have about three or four paragraphs in addition to your introduction. So three or four bullet points should be more than sufficient to get your point across.
So, how do you go about using bullet points? Well, bullet points should be used in your introduction, just as I did in this article. If you go back to my introductory paragraph, you should be able to easily spot the bullet points. If not, here they are below.
1. What a bullet point is.
2. How to use it.
3. Finish with examples.
By doing this,. I have a clear path for my article to follow so that it flows smoothly.
Finally, we reach the third bullet point in this article, the examples. Okay, here is an example of an introductory paragraph on buying designer shoes. Mind you, I really don't know anything about designer shoes. I'm using this point to illustrate that even for a topic you know nothing about, you can still organize your thoughts in a way that makes researching the topic very easy.
Here is our paragraph.
Many people are into designer shoes because they want to have the latest in fashion. However, for those of you who aren't quite sure how to go about getting designer shoes, this article should give you a head start. We'll discuss what designer shoes are, where to find them, how to know if you're paying too much and finally what some of the top designer shoes are.
Okay, what are our bullet points?
1. What designer shoes are.
2. Where to find them.
3. How to know if you're paying too much.
4. What the top designer shoes are.
There you have it. Those are enough bullet points to fill up four paragraphs of an article.
By using bullet points in your articles, it makes the art of article writing a whole lot easier.
To YOUR Success,
Steven Wagenheim
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