Saturday, December 15, 2012

Writing And Speaking Good English - How to Use Participles Correctly

Let us see how a misplaced participle spoils the spirit of the meaning of a sentence and how thereby it renders bad English.

1) Sitting on the gate, a serpent stung her. Here the participle 'sitting' appears to qualify a serpent whereas it should rightly qualify 'her' and the sentence should be written as ' while she was sitting on the gate, a serpent stung her'.

2) Driven to fury, the tyrant was charged by the mob. Here the correct relation is between 'driven to fury' and 'mob' and therefore 'driven to fury' should be near to 'mob'. The correct sentence therefore would be, ' driven to fury, the mob charged the tyrant'.

Writing And Speaking Good English - How to Use Participles Correctly

3) Entering the temple, an explosive sound was heard. The correct way here would be, when I entered the temple, an explosive sound was heard.

Proper use of 'shall' and 'will' also help in speaking and writing good English. These words mean either determination or simple future tense depending upon the person.

For instance, in the first person 'shall' denotes simple future and 'will' denotes determination. So it is correct to say ' I will go to Texas'. Another example; I will pay you fifty dollars, denotes promise.

In second and third person, however; 'shall denotes determination and will denotes simple future tense. For example, 'you shall obey my orders' means you must obey my orders. It is a command. So while using 'shall' or 'will' care must be taken about the person to which it refers, as otherwise the English become shabby. In Government resolutions, there is always a command. For instance, 'As from 1st April 2011, the following rule shall come into force for road safety.' This means, every pedestrian must obey that rule. It is a command. If, in such cases, 'will' is used instead of 'shall' then it will not have the force of a command and the persons on whom the order is served may not obey it and no legal action for disobedience can be taken against him.

Second example. You shall have a prize next month. Here 'shall' denotes promise, in short, proper care should be taken in the use of ' shall' and 'will' if good English is to be achieved.

Writing And Speaking Good English - How to Use Participles Correctly
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